Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Eleven Republican congressmen, including one from Illinois, give Bush a face-to-face scolding

NBC reported tonight that a delegation of 11 Republican members of Congress, led by Rep. Mark Kirk of Illinois (left) and a colleague from Pennsylvania, met with President Bush for more than an hour today and told him he has no credibility on Iraq.

The network's Tim Russert said the confrontation "may have been a defining pivotal moment" in the ongoing struggle between Bush and Congress over the war. Russert quoted one of the GOP lawmakers as saying: "We need candor, we need honesty, Mr. President."

Wow! Sounds like the political dam is beginning to break.

Check out the story and video here.

UPDATE: Actually, the meeting at the White House took place Tuesday afternoon, not Wednesday, and a second Illinois Republican lawmaker, Rep. Ray LaHood of Peoria, was among those attending.

1 comment:

Nate said...

Kirk better get nasty with the president or it's back to work as a DC staff attorney next year. He knows he's doomed if the Iraq war is still an issue in 2008. A no-name marketing exec, Dan Seals, missed him by 6 points last time and is already raising money again. *For further details, see the Illinois 8th (Bean). Oh, and did I mention the 10th went for Kerry in '04?