Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Rascal's gonna start something big, too

Matt Drudge clearly loves it when the respectable media carry stories like this.

And the very thought that he touched off the market plunge probably makes him soil himself in delight.

Well, two can play this game, Winchell-head. I don't what it'll be --a clothing fad, a phrase that every self-respecting Yuppie in America will ride like a hobby horse for a few years, an exclusive story that spawns a scandal over mail-in rebates, something -- but The Rascal is going to out-Drudge Drudge.

Then I'll hire some guy to show me how to get this damn blog looking better with lots of bells and whistles and shit.

Then you'll all come flocking to my feet to bask in my glory.

Stock-market slump. BFD.

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