Friday, December 28, 2007

Ron Paul isn't buying "theory" of evolution

Is this guy an idiot or what? And he's a doctor??


Anonymous said...

Rascal, you're shooting down my admiration for Ron Paul with his positions on race and evolution. He still makes the most sense of anyone on Iraq. But it makes no sense that he is a doctor and doesn't believe in evolution.

The Rascal said...

Opposition to the war doesn't make one a good guy. Pat Buchanan was against the war from the start, but he's still a boob.

Anonymous said...

Point well taken. But Ron Paul expresses himself better than any other candidates who are against the war in Iraq. I wouldn't vote for Paul, but I'm glad he's in the race.

The Rascal said...

I'm glad he's in the race, too. His candidacy throws a spotlight on the underbelly of the libertarian movement and on certain packs of conspiratorialists (9/11 was an inside job; the Bilderbergers are scheming to sap us of our precious bodily fluids; etc.).

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Thats all.