Saturday, March 24, 2007

U.S. public: Bring 'em home

The Iraq war spending bill approved last week by the U.S. House (against which Rep. Don Manzullo, the Rockford-area Republican voted) is exactly what most Americans favor, especially with regard to setting a deadline for withdrawal of our troops.


Anonymous said...

This is so typical of our fine representative in Congress and no one in the media takes him to task or calls for an explanation. Is Manzullo simply going along with whatever Bush or the Republican leaders want, or has he actually thought this out and has some rational defense? This guy lays low on every controversial issue because he has the safest seat in Congress. It's such a Republican district he has it for life unless he gets caught with a House intern.
When he first ran he swore he would serve no more than 6-terms, that is until he got elected.
I think the rascal should run against Manzullo and expose him for what he really is.

Anonymous said...