Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bad name choice

The Beloit Mall, which went belly up due to various factors (details here), has a new name (details here): Eclipse Center.

One of the dictionary definitions of eclipse: "a falling into obscurity or decline."


Anonymous said...

My guess is the dictionary reference they were focused on was: to surpass; outshine.

How about this for a dictionary reference? Rascal; a base, dishonest, or unscrupulous person. But I'm sure this isn't the one you were shooting for either when selecting the name for your blog.

Just thought I'd heckle you a bit.


The Rascal said...

You're wrong. That definition is EXACTLY what I was going for. I wanted irony -- what with me actually being a man of integrity, charm, wit and compassion. "Rascal"
drips with irony in that context.