Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Bush administration disses God!

A stupid war sold to the public on a pack of lies. Mistreatment of wounded troops. Big federal deficits created by tax breaks for zillionaires. Scandals here. Scandals there. Scandals everywhere.

Such has been the legacy of the Bush gang, as even a growing number of Republicans realize. But this is going too far: They thought they could get away with keeping "In God We Trust" off our new $1 coin. Thank heavens, however, they've been caught.

But alas, The Rascal fears that the nation's self-appointed guardians of religious purity -- the Robertsons, Falwells, Dobsons, et al -- won't even raise a whimper. They've sold their souls to George W. Bush, whom they consider president of the United States by divine right.

If this coinage disgrace had occurred on Bill Clinton's watch, the aforementioned spiritual leaders would have demanded that he be boiled in oil -- or that he go hunting with Dick Cheney.

Our nation is in deep trouble.

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